MDCC - Application & Admission Procedure

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Application & Admission Procedure

Applicants must have the following documents on file in the Associate Degree Nursing office by March 1st to be considered for admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program: 

  • MDCC application for admission or readmission
  • MDCC application to the Associate Degree Nursing Program (Associate Degree Application Packet)
  • An official high school transcript from an approved high school or high school equivalency test score (GED or HiSET)
  • An official college transcript from all colleges attended
  • ACT score
  • TEAS Entrance test score
Students are encouraged to submit all parts of the application well in advance of the deadline.  Turning in an application on the last day may result in your application being incomplete.  Incomplete applications will not be reviewed for admission.

When the application is available, the link located below will be active. The application process is conducted annually from December through February. Students are selected by the middle of May to enter in the fall semester.  During the months of March through October, the application will not be available.

Applications are currently not available 

ADN (Generic and Accelerated Track) Checklist for Admission

Please make sure to fill out the Autobiographic and Student Data form for application to be considered complete

Please complete both forms as part of the application process

Autobiographic Form

Student Data Sheet

  1. ALL Applicants must FIRST log on to the MDCC website at to submit an online application for admission/readmission to the school.  Please click the APPLY button on the home page of the website and complete all required fields.  No applicant will be considered for admission into a Health Science Program without first applying to MDCC.  You may receive future correspondence from the Office of Admissions regarding your admissions status to MDCC.
    • If you attended MDCC previously, but are not currently enrolled, you will need to complete this step first.
    • If you are currently enrolled at MDCC, you DO NOT need to do this step.
  2. E-Script or mail OFFICIAL transcripts to the MDCC Office of Admission.  All transcripts must be on file by March 1.
  3. Submit ACT scores to the MDCC Office of Admission.  (*NOTE* ACT scores are NOT recorded on transcripts from colleges or universities.  It is the student’s responsibility to submit these scores.)
  4. Complete the Health Science Application when it is active. 
  5. Complete the Autobiographical and Student Data Information forms
  6. If previously enrolled in a school of nursing, you must submit a letter requesting readmission or transfer according to the policy on readmission and transfer.  This letter must accompany the application materials in order to be considered complete.
  7. Register to take the TEAS entrance test. Instructions are found on the  Health Sciences main web page (Entrance Testing Resources).  The TEAS can be taken virtually or in person.  You must register to take the TEAS through ATI ( The TEAS test must be taken within 18 months of application deadline. Can only be taken 2 times 45 days apart during the application year. If you submit test scores taken at any other time the score will not be accepted. Must be taken prior to March 1st AND must be sent to us directly from ATI, not the student.
  8. Must be 18 years of age at the start of the program
  9. LPN’s who meet the admission criteria for the LPN Accelerated Track and wish to apply should complete the LPN Accelerated Track application.
  10. It is the applicant’s responsibility to verify that all necessary information has been received.  Received information can be verified through the ADN program application.  If all information is not received by the deadline, the applicant will not be considered for admission into the program.
  11. All applicants will be notified by email of conditional acceptance or non-acceptance by the middle of May.  Letters of conditional acceptance will include information regarding a required orientation in late May.

1. The student should request readmission in writing to the ADN Chair.
2. The student should complete an Application for Readmission and specific information       requested by the ADN Chair.
3. The student will complete a self-assessment form.
4. The student will meet with the program Admissions Committee.
5. The Admission Committee will make a recommendation for readmission.
6. The student will be notified in writing of acceptance or non-acceptance.

After information is reviewed, every effort is made to readmit students; however, readmission may be denied based on objective data regarding the individual application.

A student may be considered for readmission to a specific health science program one time only. This applies to courses in any respective health science program, whether at MDCC or at another institution. The only exception may be: a student who had a passing grade in the classroom and clinical setting, but was forced to withdraw due to illness, accident, pregnancy, or family crisis may be considered for a second readmission. If an applicant has ever attended another health science program a letter of good standing from their former school’s program must be sent following MDCC’s program application instructions. A letter of good standing indicates that the student is eligible for immediate readmission into the former program of study.

Each student requesting readmission into a health science program will be considered on an individual basis.  The student should contact the appropriate program director/supervisor for the readmission procedure. Space must be available in the class and clinical setting. No precedent will be set by the decision of an admissions committee.

At the discretion of the Dean of Health Sciences, with the recommendation of the Admission Committee, a student requesting readmission to a Health Science program may be required to take a challenge exam to assess placement. Per program policy, it may be necessary for the applicant to repeat courses.

If an MDCC Health Science student is academically unsuccessful in their program of study and not eligible for readmission, the student may have one transfer to an alternate MDCC Health Science program. Students will be held to the readmission policies of the program.  OR

If an MDCC Health Science student is academically unsuccessful in their program of study and not eligible for readmission, the student will be eligible for one additional consideration of readmission after a waiting period of up-to three (3) years from last date of attendance. This shall not bar those applicants who wish to reapply beyond the aforementioned time-period so long as it is their first readmission application. The student must follow all readmission requirements as outlined in the program’s handbook.

Any MDCC student who was unsuccessful and not eligible for readmission due to non-academic dismissal will be eligible for one additional consideration of readmission after a waiting period of up-to five (5) years from last date of attendance. This shall not bar those applicants who wish to reapply beyond the aforementioned time-period so long as it is their first readmission application. The student will be held to the program’s readmission polices as outlined in the program’s handbook.

Any applicant who has ever been accepted and attended a Health Science program at another institution of higher learning and has been unsuccessful more than once will be eligible for one additional consideration of readmission after a waiting period of up-to five (5) years from last date of attendance. This shall not bar those applicants who wish to reapply beyond the aforementioned time-period so long as it is their first readmission application. The student will be held to the program’s readmission polices as outlined in the program’s handbook.

The ADN program adheres to the Policy on Acceptance of Transfer Students into Health Science Programs. Procedure for Transfer into the ADN Program:

  1. The student requesting transfer should contact the program director to discuss specific course placement based on current nursing program placement.
  2. The student will provide current transcripts to evaluate program level and determine student’s ability to meet graduation requirements for MDCC.
  3. The student will complete all admission packet materials.
  4. The student may provide course materials to evaluate course content achieved.
  5. The student will provide a letter of good standing from the administrator of the transferring nursing program.
  6. The student will meet with the program Admissions Committee to review materials and discuss issues of transfer.
  7. The student may be required to complete a self-assessment form, as well as provide other requested materials based on the transfer situation.
  8. The Admission Committee will make a recommendation for transfer.
  9. The student will be notified in writing of acceptance or non-acceptance.

After information is reviewed, every effort is made to readmit students; however, readmission may be denied based on objective data regarding the individual application.

The following performance standards provide descriptions of basic cognitive, sensory, affective, and psychomotor requirements for successful associate degree nursing program completion. Applicants and students who cannot meet one or more of the standards will be considered on an individual basis in terms of whether reasonable modification/accommodation can be made. Reasonable accommodations will be examined in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well as the Performance Standards for Admission and Progression. In order to successfully complete the associate degree nursing program, an applicant/student must be able to do the following:

  1. Demonstrate critical thinking sufficient for clinical judgment. Examples:
    • prioritize information and identify cause-effect relationships in the clinical setting
    • analyze assessment findings and use findings to plan and implement care
    • evaluate plan of care and make revisions as appropriate
    • make decisions using logic, creativity and reasoning to make sound clinical judgments based on standards of nursing care
    • demonstrate arithmetic ability to correctly compute dosages, tell time, and use measuring tools 
  2. Display interpersonal skills sufficient to interact with individuals, families, and groups in a variety of settings in the community. Examples:
    • respect differences among clients and exhibit an attitude accepting of clients as individuals
    • establish rapport in order to communicate effectively with clients, families, significant others, and health team members
    • work effectively in small groups as a team member and a team leader
    • recognize crises and institute appropriate interventions to help resolve adverse situations
  3. Demonstrate appropriate verbal and written communication skills. Examples: 
    • speak English coherently to clients, families, and other staff members
    • clearly explain treatment procedures and initiate health teaching for clients, families, or groups based on assessed needs, available resources, age, lifestyle, and cultural considerations
    • provide clear, understandable written client documentation based upon proper use of the English language
    • convey critical information to other caregivers through graphic, print, and/or electronic media in an accurate, timely, and comprehensible manner
  4. Exhibit physical ability sufficient to assist clients to meet health care needs in a variety of settings, including moving from room-to-room, to maneuver in small spaces, and to negotiate stairwells when necessary. Examples:
    • physical mobility and strength sufficient to propel wheelchairs, stretchers, etc. through doorways and close fitting areas alone or with assistance
    • stand, walk up to 75% of 6 to 12 hour shifts
    • stoop, bend, squat, reach overhead as required to reach equipment and provide nursing care
    • lift a minimum of 20 pounds of weight
    • transfer/position up to 300 pounds with assistance while lifting, positioning, and transferring clients
    • provide for activities of daily living (bed bath, oral hygiene, dressing, etc.)
    • perform CPR satisfactorily and respond quickly in an emergency situation
  5. Demonstrate gross and fine motor abilities sufficient to provide safe and effective nursing care. Examples:
    • demonstrate physical dexterity and coordination in delivery of care, treatment, and medications
    • hold skin taut with one hand while inserting needle in skin or vein with other hand and perform other procedures requiring the use of 2 hands
    • pick up, grasp, and effectively manipulate small objects such as dials, syringes, switches
    • calibrate and use equipment
    • maintain sterile technique when performing sterile procedures
  6. Display auditory, visual, and tactile ability sufficient to safely assess and care for clients. Examples:
    • hear monitors, alarms, emergency signals, lung/heart sounds, bowel sounds, and cries for help, telephone, intercom interactions, and public address systems (codes)
    • perceive and receive verbal communications from clients, families, and health team members
    • read written words and information on paper and computer screens, small print, gauges, measuring cups, syringes, and other equipment
    • discriminate colors, changes in color, size and continuity of body parts
    • discriminate alterations in normal body activities such as breathing patterns and level of consciousness
    • observe hazards in environment (water spills, safety rails, restraints) and harmful situations
    • perform physical assessment: palpate pulses, feel for heat or cold, tap body surfaces

Please Note:

This estimate of costs is meant to be used only as a guide to students, parents, and sponsors.  The figures are based upon previous school year averages and are not binding on the college or the nursing program.

In addition to these estimates, students will incur expenses related to travel necessary for clinical laboratory experiences.  All students are responsible for their own transportation to class and healthcare agencies utilizes in the program’s curriculum. All costs are approximate and subject to change without notice and tax is not included.

For Generic Track click here for Program Cost Link

For Accelerated Track click here for Program Cost Link

